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Price List for Business Customers for residents of the European Union

This Price List applies to Business Customers:
a)    whose registered office is in the Republic of Lithuania or an European Union country; 
b)    whose parent companies, and/or any other entities with the right to exercise Control over the Business Customer, are all legal entities with their registered office in the Republic of Lithuania or a European Union country; 
c)    whose Ultimate Beneficial Owners are all residents1 of the Republic of Lithuania or a European Union country; and
d)    that are not engaged in high-risk activities2.
If any of the conditions at a), b) or c) above is not met, the Business Customer shall be subject to the Price List for non-European Union residents. Business Customers that are engaged in high-risk activities shall be subject to separate pricing – advance written notice of the applicable prices will be provided.

1 A person shall be deemed to be a resident of the Republic of Lithuania or a European Union country if: they hold an identity document issued by that country and their permanent place of residence is located in the Republic of Lithuania or any other European Union country; or they hold an identity document issued by a country that is not a member of the European Union, but they are resident in the Republic of Lithuania or another European Union country and hold a document issued by that country granting them the right of temporary or permanent residence in that country.

2 High-risk activities shall include:
-    trade in virtual currencies;
-    trade in petroleum and petroleum products;
-    trade in ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals, precious stones, jewellery, works of art;
-    trade in alcoholic beverages and alcohol products, tobacco products;
-    organizing and conducting of auctions;
-    financial services;
-    charity, sponsorship, etc.

Pricing is vald from June 1, 2024


Service plans


Data verification1:

for legal entities with their registered office in the Republic of Lithuania

for legal entities with their registered office outside the Republic of Lithuania


free of charge2

200 EUR

Account opening:

for legal entities with their registered office in the Republic of Lithuania

for legal entities with their registered office outside the Republic of Lithuania


free of charge

200 EUR

Account maintenance4,50 EUR3 per month
Administration of funds after the Contomobile Account has been closed40,05% (min 5 EUR) per month

1 Mokestis yra susijęs su Kliento pateiktų dokumentų ir informacijos patikra, įskaitant, bet neapsiribojant dokumentais, įrodančiais jo tapatybę, gyvenamosios vietos statusą ir tikruosius savininkus. Mokestis sumokamas, prieš atliekant dokumentų patikrą, susijusią su Kliento paraiška dėl sąskaitos atidarymo, bei priimant sprendimą dėl Contomobile sąskaitos atidarymo Klientui. Mokestis taip pat mokamas tuo atveju, jeigu dalykinių santykių eigoje reikalingas papildomas dokumentų patikrinimas (pavyzdžiui, pasikeitus vadovybei, naudos gavėjams, akcininkams ar kt.). Duomenų patikros mokestis nėra grąžinamas esant bet kokioms aplinkybėms, įskaitant ir tas, jei Contomobile atsisako atidaryti sąskaitą dėl bet kokios priežasties ar Klientas pats atsisako atsidaryti sąskaitą.
2 Duomenų patikros mokestis nebus taikomas, jei juridinis asmuo, registruotas Lietuvos Respublikoje, pateikia išplėstinį išrašą iš VĮ Registrų centro Juridinių asmenų registro (JAR); duomenis iš Juridinių asmenų dalyvių informacinės sistemos (JADIS) ir duomenis iš Juridinių asmenų naudos gavėjų informacinės sistemos (JANGIS). Visi pateikiami duomenys turi būti iki 3 mėnesių senumo. Už kiekvieną Kliento nepateiktą dokumentą taikomas 15 EUR mokestis.
3 Mokestis taikomas už kiekvieną IBAN sąskaitą (pavyzdžiui, jei turite du skirtingus IBAN, bus taikomas 9 EUR/mėn. mokestis) ir nurašomas kiekvieno mėnesio paskutinę dieną. Mokestis taikomas nepriklausomai nuo per atitinkamą laikotarpį atliktų operacijų skaičiaus.
4 Mokestis taikomas, jei bet kuriai šaliai nutraukiant sutartį, sutarties nutraukimo įsigaliojimo momentu Kliento atsiskaitomosios sąskaitos likutis yra teigiamas. Tokiomis aplinkybėmis Kliento „Contomobile“ sąskaita bus uždaryta, o lėšų likutis bus laikomas atskiroje sąskaitoje. Šis administravimo mokestis bus taikomas tol, kol „Contomobile“ gaus nurodymą pervesti lėšų likutį į Kliento nurodytą sąskaitą.

Payment typeFee
to own accountfree of charge
to another Customer‘s account0,20 EUR

Payments between Contomobile accounts are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (including weekends and public holidays).

SEPA1 payments

Payment typeFee
Standard0,40 EUR
Instant20,40 EUR

1 SEPA is the Single Euro Payments Area. In this area, money transfers in euro are performed in accordance with a set of rules and payment standards. SEPA covers all member states of the European Union, as well as the United Kingdom, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, Andorra, and Vatican City.

SEPA standard Payment Orders submitted by 16:00 (EET/EEST) on a Working Day shall be executed on the same Working Day; Payment Orders submitted after 16:00 (EET/EEST) shall be executed on the next Working Day.

2 Instant credit transfers are SEPA credit transfers of up to EUR 15 000 which can only be executed between financial institutions that are members of the SEPA Instant Payment Scheme. Instant payments are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (including weekends and public holidays).

Currency Location of Payee’s financial institutionFee
GBP United Kingdom7 EUR
USDUnited States of America7 EUR
NOK Norway7 EUR
SEK Sweden7 EUR
DKK Denmark7 EUR
PLN Poland7 EUR
AllAll countries118 EUR2 or 50 EUR3

International Payment Orders in EUR, GBP, and USD submitted by 14:45 (EET/EEST) on a Working Day shall be executed on the same Working Day; Payment Orders submitted after 14:45 (EET/EEST) shall be executed on the next Working Day.
International Payment Orders in SEK, NOK, DKK, and PLN shall be executed on the next Working Day.
International payments in GBP made to the UK cannot exceed GBP 250 000. Payments in USD made to the USA cannot exceed 
USD 100 000.
All international payments made from your Contomobile Account are subject to the SHA (shared charges) method of paying fees for transfers. Contomobile’s fees will be paid by the Payer and the Payee’s bank fees will be paid by the Payee. If an international payment is made through a correspondent bank (intermediary), the correspondent bank may also apply a fee, which will be deducted from the payment.
A Payee’s bank may charge a fee for crediting funds. We advise enquiring in advance with the Payee and/or the Payee’s bank about any specific fees that apply.
Note. International payments to certain jurisdictions may be subject to additional conditions (e.g., a Payee’s bank may require additional documents before crediting funds to a Payee’s account).

A Payee’s bank may reject a payment in accordance with its internal rules or local regulations. If a payment is rejected, Contomobile shall not be liable to reimburse any fees deducted by the Payee’ bank from the amount that is returned.
1 International payments in any approved currency (please find the list of approved currencies here) to any country worldwide, except countries included on Contomobile list of prohibited foreign countries (please find the list of prohibited countries here). The lists of approved currencies and prohibited foreign countries are subject to change and will be updated without prior notice. 
2 This fee shall apply when the payment is sent to a country that is not included in the list of countries in footnote 3 below.
3 This fee shall apply when the payment is sent to the following countries:
Afghanistan, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands, Croatia, Curacao, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, Fiji, Georgia, Gibraltar, Guatemala, Guernsey, Haiti, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liberia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Moldova, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nigeria, Niue, Palau, Panama, Philippines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Samoa, Senegal, Seychelles, Sint Maarten, South African Republic, St. Helena, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, US Virgin Island, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

CurrencyPayment typeFee
EURSEPA standardfree of charge
EURSEPA Instantfree of charge
Allfrom a Contomobile accountfree of charge
AllNon-SEPA10,1% (min 10 EUR, max 50 EUR)2 or 0,1% (min. 50 EUR)3

SEPA payments are credited on the same Working Day.

SEPA instant payments are credited immediately 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including weekends and public holidays).

Funds from other Contomobile accounts are credited immediately.

1 Service available on request.  Please contact Contomobile to access this Service. 
2 This fee shall apply when the payment is received from a country that is not included in the list of countries in footnote 3 below.
3 This fee shall apply when the payment is received from the following countries:
Afghanistan, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands, Croatia, Curacao, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, Fiji, Georgia, Gibraltar, Guatemala, Guernsey, Haiti, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liberia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Moldova, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nigeria, Niue, Palau, Panama, Philippines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Samoa, Senegal, Seychelles, Sint Maarten, South African Republic, St. Helena, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, US Virgin Island, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

Cancellation1 of payment to a Contomobile account10 EUR
Cancellation1, 2 or amendment3 of a SEPA payment, before the payment has been sent 10 EUR
Cancellation1 or amendment3 of a SEPA payment, after the payment has been sent40 EUR
Confirmation that a payment has been executed 20 EUR
Cancellation1, 2 of an international payment60 EUR plus foreign bank fees
Investigation of an incoming or outgoing payment 60 EUR plus foreign bank fees
Returning an international payment to the Payer. The fee shall be deducted from the amount that is returned30 EUR
Confirmation from a correspondent bank that an international payment has been executed, or provision of a copy of the payment message (SWIFT copy)30 EUR
Debiting funds in accordance with a CRIS4 instruction (without Customer’s consent)0,87 EUR

1 If a payment has already been executed and the funds have been sent to the Payee’s bank or credited to the Payee’s account, a repayment of funds can only be performed with the Payee’s consent. In these circumstances the Payment cancellation fee shall be charged even if the payment cannot be cancelled (e.g., if the Payee does not consent).
2 This fee shall not apply if a Payment Order is submitted after 18:00 (EET/EEST) on a Working Day, or at any time on a Non-Working Day, and the Customer cancels the Payment Order via the self-service portal before 06:00 (EET/EEST) on the next Working Day.
3 “Amendment” of a payment means any change to the details of a Payment Order that has already been confirmed by the Customer.
4 CRIS (Cash Restrictions Information System) is an official debt recovery system administrated by the State Enterprise Centre of Registers in accordance with the law of the Republic of Lithuania. Upon receipt of a CRIS instruction, we shall debit funds from your account in accordance with the instruction. The official CRIS maintenance fee shall also be debited and paid to the Centre of Registers.

Generation of an account statement in the Self-Service Portalfree of charge
Signed account statement30 EUR
Certificate confirming the opening/closing of an account or the account balance30 EUR
Other certificates 70 EUR
Sending documents by registered mail in Lithuania10 EUR
Sending documents by registered mail to other countries30 EUR
Sending documents by courier mail30 EUR plus courier fees

Certificates and other letters shall be issued within 10 Working days.

Monthly fee free of charge5 EUR25 EUR
Account maintenance 4,50 EUR1free of chargefree of charge
Generating an account statement in the self-service portal free of chargefree of chargefree of charge
Payments between own Contomobile accounts free of chargefree of chargefree of charge
Payments to other Contomobile customers’ accounts 0,20 EURfree of chargefree of charge
Free SEPA and/or SEPA Instant payments (units/month)52202
Free international payments (units/month)12
Crediting incoming international payments30,1% (min 10 EUR, max 50 EUR)4 or 0,1% (min 50 EUR)5

1 This fee shall be applied for each IBAN account (e.g., if you have two different IBAN accounts, a fee of EUR 9 /month shall be applied) and shall be debited on the last day of each month. The fee shall apply irrespective of whether or not any transactions are made during the relevant period.
2 Standard rates shall apply to any payments that are made in excess of this allowance.
3 Service available on request.  Please contact Contomobile to access this Service.
4 This fee shall apply when the payment is received from a country which is not included in the list of countries in footnote 5 below.
5 This fee shall apply when the payment is received from the following countries:
Afghanistan, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Aruba, 
Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British 
Virgin Islands, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands, Croatia, Curacao, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, Fiji, Georgia, Gibraltar, Guatemala, Guernsey, Haiti, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liberia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Moldova, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nigeria, Niue, Palau, Panama, Philippines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Samoa, Senegal, Seychelles, Sint Maarten, South African Republic, St. Helena, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, US Virgin Island, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

Payment initiation service (PIS)1

Fee Number of transactions per months
Contract conclusionfree of charge-
Contract administrations4 EUR per month-
PIS payment free of charge0 - 120
PIS payment 0,03121 and more
Contract amendment10 EUR-

1 Payment Initiation Service (PIS) is a Service that allows sellers (e-shops, service providers, etc.) to receive e-payments for goods or services to an account held with Contomobile or with another financial institution.

Payment collection by payment cards1

Service activationfree of charge
Contract administration10 EUR2  per month
Payment card transactions1% (min 0,15 EUR)2
Refund according to the bank request (chargeback)45 EUR2
Contract amendment10 EUR

1 The collection of e-payments when settling by payment cards enables the sellers (e-shops, service providers, etc.) to collect e-payments from the payers using payment cards MasterCard or Maestro, Visa or Visa Electron. Payments that are collected via this Service can only be credited to your Contomobile Account.

2 This fee applies to Customers that are engaged in low-risk activities only. If it is assessed that you are engaged in medium or high-risk activities, we will provide advance written notice of the fees that will apply to your use of the Service.